Dublin accounts for nearly half of all callouts dealing with seagulls
Dale Greenwood 21 Aug 2020
Dublin accounts for almost half of all callouts to deal with seagulls and other pest birds so far this year, it has emerged.
Rentokil, Ireland’s leading pest control provider, is issuing a warning to the public regarding the dangers presented by seagulls and other pest birds following a significant rise in callouts so far this year.
The pest control company has experienced a 12 per cent increase in callouts to deal with seagulls, pigeons and other pest birds so far this year (January – July) when compared to the same period last year.
The top four counties which have accounted for pest bird callouts so far this year are Dublin (49 per cent of total callouts), Cork (12 per cent), Meath (8 per cent), and Kildare (7 per cent). Rentokil controls pest bird species in accordance with the EU Birds Directive and the Irish bird derogations, and use non-lethal methods to control all other species of birds if they become public health pests.
August is a time of year when there is a lot of nest activity as seagull chicks begin to fledge, and the birds can become extremely aggressive and protective of their young. This time of year is when seagulls are at their nosiest and most likely to harass or try to steal food from members of the public and raid waste bins in search of food.
Richard Faulkner, Advanced Technical Field Consultant for Rentokil said: “We encourage members of the public to treat seagulls with caution and keep their distance from them where possible, as they are at their most aggressive at this time of year.
“As lockdown restrictions are lifted and people start spending more time outside, this is the period of time when people and seagulls are most likely to cross paths. To discourage the presence of seagulls and other pest birds from your home or business, keep any possible food sources well-hidden and ensure bin lids are secure and rubbish bags are not left in the open. Gulls have sharp beaks that will make short work of bin bags.”