Convicted rapist jailed after he brandished knife in shop

Dublin People 22 Oct 2024

By Eimear Dodd

A convicted rapist who brandished a small knife after being refused entry to a shop has been jailed.

John English (47) of Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, pleaded guilty to production of a knife on June 6, 2023 at Centra on South Circular Road, Co. Dublin.

He has around 130 convictions, including one for rape dating from 2004.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court was told the majority of his convictions since 2014 are public order offences.

A local garda told the court that English took a Pot Noodle that he didn’t pay for when he was in the shop earlier in the day.

When he returned later, he was told by a male shop worker that he wouldn’t be served.

There was a disagreement, during which English produced a small knife and started shouting abuse at the injured party.

CCTV of the incident played in court showed a female security guard was also engaging with English at the shop entrance.

English was seen shouting abuse towards the male shop worker while holding the small knife.

In a victim impact statement, the male shop worker said he has experienced anxiety and worry about his safety since the incident. He said his work has also been affected.

The investigating garda agreed with defence counsel Keith Spencer BL that his client is homeless and an alcoholic.

It was further accepted that English had been due to attend alcohol treatment, but was involved in a car accident and subsequently lost his place.

The garda also agreed with defence counsel that English was drinking around 3 litres of vodka a day before he recently went into custody on unrelated matters. It was further accepted that intoxication is a factor in his recent convictions, while the more serious matters are historic.

Mr Spencer told the court his client is originally from Cork and developed issues with alcohol while a teenager. He started to use other drugs including heroin after his release from custody in 2012.

He said his client has been in and out of custody over the last decade and has made efforts to deal with his alcoholism unsuccessfully.

A number of documents were handed into the court. English is sober while in custody and is attending AA meetings.

Mr Spencer said his client is apologetic and remorseful. He said his client’s anger was directed towards the male shop worker and he didn’t attack the female security guard, engaging in conversation with her.

English accepts it would have been frightening and had no intention to hurt anyone, counsel said.

Mr Spencer said his client instructs he was carrying a knife because he is homeless.

Judge Pauline Codd said this would have been a “frightening experience” for everyone in the shop, and there has to be deterrence for people working in retail.

She said the aggravating factors include English’s previous convictions and set a headline sentence of two years.

The judge noted the mitigation including English’s guilty plea, his personal circumstances and addiction issues.

Judge Codd imposed an 18-month sentence with the final three months suspended for six months under strict conditions including that he place himself under the supervision of Probation Services.

The judge added that while English was shouting abuse at the injured party across the security guard, it was apparent from the CCTV that the female security guard was not threatened by his actions and continued to engage with him.

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