Labour calls for complete ban on sharing road traffic accident images

Dublin People 12 Jun 2024

Labour’s transport spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has called for a complete ban on sharing images from road traffic accidents, citing the need to protect victims and their families from the distress and intrusion of non-consensual recordings.

Labour’s “Protection of Accident Victims from Non-Consensual Recording of Images Bill 2022” is set to be debated in the Dáil this Thursday, June 13th.

Smith said, “the posting and sharing of images taken by those who come upon the scene of an accident has become all too common. The fact that family members and friends can be exposed to such harmful and grotesque images before they have even learned of the accident is unforgivable. It is a deeply disrespectful and distressing intrusion into private grief that must be outlawed.”

“It is becoming increasingly common for An Garda Síochána to issue strong requests in the immediate aftermath of a serious accident for people not to share these types of images, yet this practice persists. This Thursday, the Labour Party will call on the Government to introduce penalties for anyone who shares these images. It’s time to stamp out this indecent and insensitive practice to protect all those left behind following the devastation of a death on the roads.

“2024 has been a dark year on our roads. The cold hard reality is that there are between 150 and 200 road fatalities and approximately 8,000 injuries due to road traffic collisions every year. There is hardly a person in this country that hasn’t had either direct or indirect experience of a serious car accident resulting in death or serious injury within their family or community.

“It’s time to put an end to this vile practice once and for all. We must ensure that in the wake of a tragedy, families and friends can grieve without the added anguish of seeing their loved ones’ final moments broadcast across social media. Let’s act now to safeguard the dignity and respect of all road traffic victims.”

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