Dublin man to be sentenced for possession of drugs and scissors
Dublin People 19 Apr 2024
By Claire Henry
A Dublin man will be sentenced next month for possession of drugs and a small scissors.
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Conor Kinsella (28) of Carton Court, Poppintree, Dublin 11, pleaded guilty to having drugs for sale or supply and to having an article with a blade or sharpened object on February 24, 2021, in the Aston Quay area of Dublin.
He has 68 previous convictions, the majority of which are from the District Court. He is currently serving a prison sentence but is due to be released shortly.
Garda Ciara Burke told Fiona Pekaar, BL, prosecuting, that she was on duty on the day in question when she encountered Kinsella. She said there was a smell of cannabis of him, and he was brought to Pearse Street Garda Station to be searched. During the search, gardai noted that he had something in his mouth, and some small bags of cocaine were found.
Cannabis, diamorphine, and cocaine were all found on Kinsella, with a total value of €1,057. Cash in the sum of €250 and a small pair of scissors were also found.
Gda Burke said Kinsella was interviewed and said he was homeless and had addiction issues. She said that he has not come to the garda’s attention recently and noted he was charged for this offence in May 2023.
Gda Burke agreed with Patrick McCarthy, BL, defending that his client said that the drugs found on him were for his own use and not for selling.
The garda agreed with counsel that Kinsella was living on the streets and vulnerable at the time of the offence. She noted that he did not cause the gardai any difficulties and was cooperative and forthright.
Mr McCarthy handed a governors report into the court, which said Kinsella was an enhanced prisoner and is doing well in custody.
Counsel said his client had a difficult upbringing and began to dabble in recreational drugs at the age of 11. This grew to heroin use later in life, and he became homeless.
He said his client had spent ten months in rehab in Scotland, which taught him valuable skills, but on his return to Ireland and after a family disagreement, he relapsed into drug use and found himself back on the streets again.
He asked the court to consider a suspended sentence.
Judge Orla Crowe said that because there was still an outstanding report, she would adjourn sentencing for a short period of time.