European candidates answer our questions: Brendan Ogle

Mike Finnerty 31 May 2024

Ahead of the European Parliament elections on June 7, we sent a questionnaire with the same eight questions to the candidates running in the Dublin constituency.

Here are the responses from Brendan Ogle (independent).

It has been 50 years since Ireland joined the EU; has joining had a positive or negative impact on Ireland?

Very positive.

Would you support Ursula Von Der Leyen in a 2nd term as EU Commissioner?

Absolutely not.

Would you work with MEPs such as ones from the AFD in Germany or the PVV in the Netherlands if you are elected?


What has the European Union done for the average voter since the last round of elections in 2019?

The EU has recently passed a directive which can revolutionise workers rights in this country. We must make sure it is fully enshrined in Irish law and not watered down.

What should be the main priorities of the European Parliament over the next 5 years?

To maintain and strengthen democracy in the face of fundamentalist imperialism and war mongering – to ensure a more equally spread of resources and services to the benefit of the ordinary people.
Migration and security policy will likely dominate the next term of the European parliament. What influence will Ireland have in shaping those policies?

Ireland must continue its support for Ukraine and Palestine while using its voice and influence to promote peace and democracy.

Italy’s foreign minister recently called for the establishment of a European Union army; do you agree with the idea?

Ireland should not be in a European Army. Instead, we should fund an actual meaningful neutrality where we can monitor or seas and airspace and strengthen terms for our own defence forces and their families.

Would you describe European Union sentiment in Ireland as very bad, bad, good, very good, or excellent?

I would describe it as “good.”

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