More playgrounds needed for children say FG candidates
Dublin People 20 May 2024
An increase in funding is needed to deliver more playgrounds that will benefit communities across the country, a group of Fine Gael local election candidates have said.

A group of Fine Gael local election candidates is calling for more funding from Government to help local authorities nationwide meet the cost of large-scale new playground projects and also to expand and upgrade existing playgrounds.
Councillor Barry Saul, running in Stillorgan, Dublin said: “As a parent of four small children, I spend much time in playgrounds and know how important these spaces are in terms of physical and mental well-being for the whole family.
“The Department of Rural and Community Development provides significant funding towards the establishment and improvement of playgrounds through various schemes, but this is largely confined to rural areas.
“The Capital Grant and Play Recreation scheme operated by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability and Youth, supports Local Authorities in improving access to quality play and recreation facilities within communities.
“It offers funding of up to €18,000 per project, with a total of €450,000 awarded to 29 councils last year. However, this funding is contingent on councils matching funding of at least 25% of the amount provided by the department, which could be a barrier particularly as construction and material costs are on the rise.
“This is why more funding is required from central Government with an increased cap for project awards to ensure local authority areas can deliver playgrounds and play spaces where they are needed.
“Concerns have been expressed regarding equipment in some public playgrounds falling into disrepair and upgrading or replacing these pieces can be challenging and some councils can find it difficult getting projects off the ground. This is why a boost in funding and a change to the criteria for the Play and Recreation Scheme would be ideal.”
Cllr Ray McAdam, contesting Dublin’s north inner city, said: “I was delighted to receive cross party support this week on a motion I brought forward to Dublin City Council to establish a pilot initiative in the north inner city to encourage and engage communities to create more playful and inclusive public spaces.
“Such an initiative should be piloted here given the lack of outdoor space within family homes. It can enable inner city communities to get the most out of resources that they have and allow them to enjoy the places where they live.
“If re-elected by the communities of the North Inner City on June 7th, I will work day and night to make this initiative a reality.”
Cllr Vicki Casserly, from Lucan,Dublin, said: “I would like to see greater funding opportunities for the increased development of a wide range of accessible play equipment to ensure children with disabilities, children with language barriers, and shy children have access to play.
“Play is recognised as a vital activity for healthy child development for all children. Investment in inclusive and accessible play will continue to play a vital role in healthy county status and inclusive spaces for children and families.”
Emma Griffin, a first-time candidate in Palmerstown-Fonthill, said: “Providing safe & inclusive playgrounds will be a major priority for me in Palmerstown/ Fonthill. You should not have to drive to a playground. They should be within easy walking distance from the house.”