Call-out for submissions for second series of Tenters Tales
Padraig Conlon 16 Feb 2024
‘The Tenters Celebrated’ Heritage Group was founded in 2023 because of the successful centennial celebrations marking the construction of the principal housing development within the Tenters boundary, the ‘Fairbrothers Fields Housing Scheme’ in The Liberties.
Members of this heritage group are made up of past and present residents of the Tenters area and all of them attend the Tenters Memories Gathering and Story Telling Course, which was first set up in April 2022 during the centenary celebrations and is supported by the City of Dublin Education and Training Board.
Last October, the group published a booklet of short Tenters essays written by members of ‘The Tenters Celebrated,’ to high acclaim from the local community.
With the valued support of local business, Massey Brothers, who generously sponsored all printing cost, the group were able to distribute hardback copies, completely free of charge, to homes within the Tenters boundary.
They also made a digitized version which can be accessed here:
The feedback to the Tenters booklets has been so positive they have decided to publish a series, the second of which is planned to be available in 2024.
On October 3 last, Dublin City Council launched its new annual €300,000 fund to support community-led projects that improve the local area.
In partnership with Spacehive, the community fundraising platform, this 5 year ‘Crowdfund Dublin City’ programme enables local residents across the city to exclusively access funding for community-led initiatives.
The crowdfunding nature of this programme maximises the amount campaigners can raise in order to deliver transformational community projects that matter to them.
The Tenters Heritage group applied for this funding to produce their second booklet and are delighted to announce they have been successful in their application to avail of this funding.
Their project titled ‘All Quiet in the Tenters’ is now live and accepting pledges.
Now the hard work begins.
The group estimated their overall costs at €5099, so that means they must raise half of their goal in order to be awarded the Dublin City Council grant.
In short, they need to raise, via the Spacehive platform, at least €2,550.
There is a timeline for this funding opportunity, and they have until February 29 to raise the money.
Maria O’Reilly, Chairperson of The Tenters Celebrated heritage group, explained to Southside People how the group are calling on support from as many people as possible.
“With just weeks two left to accomplish our goal, we need as many donations/pledges as we can get, and we invite our neighbours, friends, colleagues, local businesses, anyone who has an interest in helping keep the Tenters community spirit and our sense of place alive to support us accomplish our goal.
“The theme for this second publication is ‘Communication’,” Maria said.
“We chose this theme as we have all seen changes with how we communicate over our lifetimes.
“Within the Tenters community over the last 100 years, this change has happened without a doubt, but change doesn’t necessarily equate to being a bad thing.
“While our first booklet contained short essays written by members of our group, we would dearly love to see contributions from the wider Tenters’ community to be included in our next publication. And, like our first booklet, copies of our second publication will also be available, free of charge.
“We would therefore like to extend an invitation for submissions to be included for our 2024 booklet.
“Whether you live or have lived in the Tenters area.
“Perhaps your family have history in the Tenters?
“We are looking for contributions from all age groups.
“Submissions may be in a number of formats such as the written word or indeed artwork. Written pieces up to 350 words, can include poetry or short memoirs based on the theme with an illustration or photograph welcome.
“All must be submitted to us via Word document and open to editing.
“Artwork is very much encouraged, again based on the theme chosen as outlined above.
“The deadline for submissions is also the 29th of February 2024.
“It is also very important to spread the word about our campaign.
“Please share with as many people as you can either by word of mouth or social media such as community or family Whatsapp and Facebook groups.
“It would mean the world to us to get a second booklet published.
“To pledge an amount, please go via this link to access the Spacehive Crowdfunding platform:
“There is also a QR code that is linked to our project that enables users to pledge an amount directly. This is attached to this Post below.
“We have kindly been given a €50 voucher for Marlowe & Co to be raffled at the end of our deadline and we will include all donor’s names when picking a winner.
“To contact us for more information or to make a submission for our 2024 publication, please email us at: [email protected]”