€400 ‘Accommodation Recognition Payment’ for hosts accommodating people from Ukraine is open for applications
Padraig Conlon 26 Jul 2022
Applications for the €400 ‘Accommodation Recognition Payment’ can be made from today by households who are hosting people claiming Temporary Protection after fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

The payment will be paid on the second Tuesday of each month with the first payment being made on Tuesday 9th August, including any arrears that are due.
The payment is a recognition of the generosity of people who have made accommodation available to victims of a humanitarian crisis, and it is linked to a minimum hosting commitment of six months.
Where a host has provided such accommodation, the payment may be back-dated to 4th March 2022 and will be made available until the end of March 2023.
Payment of the ‘Accommodation Recognition Payment’ will be administered by the Department of Social Protection on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Information on the scheme is available at https://www.gov.ie/en/service/cfd95-accommodation-recognition-payment/ and applications for payment may be made at www.MyWelfare.ie.
The legislation which underpins the ‘Accommodation Recognition Payment’ will also allow people who are Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection to access the National Childcare Scheme.
Roderic O’Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth said:
“Since the start of the Ukrainian crisis and the arrival in Ireland of those fleeing war, a warm welcome has been extended by the Irish public to those in need of shelter and safety.
“Offers of accommodation from the general public are appreciated and they greatly assist with the challenge of sourcing suitable accommodation for some 40,000 people who have arrived here.
“Recognising their contribution, the Government agreed in May to introduce a monthly payment of €400 to hosts per property where Ukrainians are living.”
The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys said:
“I am pleased to support Minister O’Gorman in recognising the contribution of those who opened their homes and provided accommodation to people from Ukraine fleeing the war in their country.
“My Department will administer this payment on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
“I am happy to say that this scheme is now open to hosts to make their application from today, the 26th July, on MyWelfare.ie.”
Full details about the ‘Accommodation Recognition Payment’ are available on the Government website here