Dublin City Council awards €550,000 to Artists and Arts Organisations
Padraig Conlon 10 Jan 2023
Dublin City Council has announced that it has awarded €550,000 to 72 artists and arts organisations as part of its Art Grants and Bursaries Scheme 2022.

The money will be used to fund projects, festivals and events throughout the city.
The purpose of the scheme is to support Arts Practice, Arts Participation, and Audience Development in the Dublin City Council Administrative Area through focusing the funding on requests for developmental projects, training and vocational support for Artists, community development outcomes through quality Arts actions or process with an overarching emphasis on diversity and equality of opportunity.
Speaking of the award fund Dublin City Council Arts Officer Ray Yeates said, “Artists and those working in the Arts in neighbourhoods and citywide often tell me how important it is to have their Local Authority’s recognition and endorsement. An Arts Grant from Dublin City Council can have a significant impact on a project or a career often helping to leverage other funding and resources. Dublin City Council has agreed to continue to sustain and increase Arts Grants in the coming years.”
Among the diverse grant recipients this year are Community Arts festivals ‘Phizzfest’ and the Five Lamps Arts Festival, a Gothic Arts Festival ‘Soul Noir’, a dance hip hop festival ‘Break the War’ and the Irish Baroque Orchestra for ‘Dublin Handelfest’.
The €550,000 award fund has been divided amongst Artists and Arts organisations whose applications were complementary to the following objectives:
- Stimulating public interest in the Arts.
- Promoting knowledge, appreciation and practice of the Arts
- Improving standards in the Arts within its functional area.
62 x Arts Grants were awarded, of which there are 3 x categories
- 14 Project Grants: Applications by Artists, Arts Organisations and Collectives to mount specific projects such as plays, exhibitions, concerts etc. Total €100K
- 26 Voluntary and Neighbourhood Grants. €100K
- 22 Revenue Grants: Annual support for established Arts Organisations. €300K
10 x Bursaries were awarded €50k across 5 x categories:
Dublin City Council advertised its Arts Grants & Bursary Scheme on 21st September 2022 with a closing date of 7th November 2022.
A total of 128 x Grants and 70 x Bursaries applications were received and discussed with a Sub Group of the Arts, Culture, Leisure and Community Strategic Policy Committee.