Eight primary schools in south Dublin have been issued a third and final notice to establish a class for children with special needs.

The eight schools have been given a deadline of January 15 to comply with the request.
Failing to do so, Minister for Education Norma Foley and Junior Minister for Special Education Josepha Madigan have legal power to compel the schools to do so.
The eight schools are: SN Padraig Naofa, Kilternan; Our Lady of Mercy Convent School, Booterstown; Scoil Bride GNS, Turret Road, Palmerstown; Gaelscoil Inse Chor, Inchicore; St Mary’s Senior NS, Rowlagh, Clondalkin; St Dominic’s National School, Mountain Park, Tallaght; Scoil Una Naofa, Crumlin and St Anne’s Primary School, Tallaght.
A spokesperson for Minister Madigan said that there are 10 children in south Dublin who are seeking a place in a special school.
The Minister for Education has legislative power to force schools to open places for children with special needs.
However, this was only used once this year in a school in west Dublin.
Under the legislation, schools may put forward an argument that they don’t have enough space or trained staff to accommodate a special class.
However, in this case, the Department of Education has not accepted any of the schools’ reasoning for not opening spaces.
In south Dublin, 39 schools received an initial notice to open classes for children with special needs with 14 agreeing.
In November, 25 received a further notice with 10 complying with the request.