Dublin People

Disabled drivers take on illegal ‘space invaders’

Bloggers Sean O'Kelly and Paddy Smyth are highlighting how the illegal invasion of disabled parking spaces is one of the top problems facing disabled drivers in Ireland.

A SOUTHSIDE man is leading a new campaign that targets drivers who park in disabled spaces.

Sean O’Kelly, from Dalkey, is a well-known disability rights campaigner who has highlighted the difficulties faced by wheelchair users in the past.

Alongside fellow blogger Paddy Smyth of #MyDisabledLife Sean, who also writes his own ‘A Day in my Wheels’ blog, highlighted the issue ahead of the upcoming free Disabled Drivers Motorshow and Conference in the RDS.

According to campaigners, gardai and traffic wardens cannot issue tickets for cars illegally parked in disabled spaces in car parks belonging to commercial premises, shopping centres, schools and other similar locations. 

 “Ever since I passed my driving test late last year, I have fully appreciated the reason why the disabled parking spaces are wide,” Sean said. “This is to allow wheelchair users the space to get their chair out of the car. I am thrilled that laws have been enforced for those who park in disabled parking spaces without a badge and those who use their loved ones or friends’ badge.

“However, there needs to be strict laws in private car parks and shopping centre car parks. I am asking you all out there to please put yourself in our shoes and park elsewhere.”

Paddy Smyth added: “I’m delighted to be involved in this campaign as the law around illegal parking in accessible spaces in shopping centres and the like needs to change. Able-bodied drivers don't realise the effect that illegal parking has on someone who is actually 'disabled' and needs that space, so we need to make more people aware of this.

“When I began learning how to drive it was very hard to get evening or weekend lessons as there were only lessons available during working hours. To me, it was insinuating that 'disabled persons' do not work which is ridiculous, because I do work, and I work hard. Thank god, this has changed, now I can get evening lessons when I want, so when I finally get my car, having access and, more important, unblocked access to disabled drivers parking spaces is going to be critical for me.”

According to a survey released by campaigners, the top five issues facing disabled drivers include shopping centres and other private car parks not tackling illegal parking in accessible spaces; drivers parking in disabled parking spaces without permits; disabled spaces not wide enough or drivers parking too close to the back or side of a wheelchair accessible vehicle making it impossible to exit; misuse of the Disabled Persons Parking Card and trying to refuel cars in petrol stations

Richard Ryder, marketing manager with the Disabled Drivers Association said: “We would welcome the extension of enforcement policies to disabled spaces in publicly available private car parks and, in the future, possible penalty points imposed for illegal parking like this in all publicly available carparks.”

Founded in 1970, the Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland (DDAI) is a registered charity with over 5,000 members. It works for disabled people, promoting independence and equal opportunity through mobility, education and training.  

 The Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland Motorshow and Conference runs from 10-5pm on Friday, September 28 and Saturday 29 at the RDS, Dublin. Entry is free, with free parking for drivers with a valid European Parking Card.

The free Motorshow and Conference showcases the latest vehicles, associated products and services to people with limited mobility, their families, carers and healthcare professionals. See www.ddmotorshow.ie

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