Dublin People

Finglas Village Improvement Scheme – Public invited to have their say

Dublin City Council are inviting the public to have their say on plans for the Finglas Village Improvement Scheme.

The scheme is one of the many projects being implemented as part of the City Council’s Active Travel Network.

During the lifetime of the programme, the Active Travel Network will grow from its existing 10km to a connected network of 310km across the city.

The council say this will enhance quality of life by “improving access, connectivity and sustainable mobility for all, whilst reducing transport-related carbon emissions.”

They also say the Finglas Village Improvement Scheme will provide high quality walking, cycling and public transport facilities within Finglas Village along Seamus Ennis Road (between the junction with North Road and Clune Road).

The project includes significant public realm enhancements (including new pavements and seating), signalised pedestrian and cycle crossings, soft landscaping and upgraded bus stops.

The proposals can be viewed and submissions are welcome on Dublin City Council’s web site consultation.dublincity.ie.

Copies of proposed plans will also be available for inspection from Monday 12th February to Friday 15th March 2024 at:

Public Information Day

Members of the community are invited to drop in to view the project proposals and meet the design team. All are welcome.

Submissions in relation to these proposals may be made as follows:

Online: consultation.dublincity.ie.

By email: activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie with subject: Finglas Village Improvement Scheme

In writing: Dublin City Council, Active Travel Programme Office, Cavendish House, Block D Arran Court, Dublin 7, D07 H5CH


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