Gardai say that as part of Operation Tara, the Divisional Drugs Unit attached to Finglas conducted a planned search operation of wasteland in Tolka Valley Park and Corduff Park, Dublin 15 yesterday.
Speaking yesterday, a Garda spokesperson said:
“At approximately 12 midday, Gardaí conducted two search operations of wasteland in Tolka Valley Park and Corduff Park and seized a variety of drugs with an estimated street value in excess of €80,000.
“Cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, cannabis, ketamine and alprazolam (xanax) tablets were seized.
“The seized drugs will be sent to Forensic Science Ireland (FSI) for analysis.
“Investigations are ongoing.”
These seizures form part of Operation Tara; an enhanced national anti-drugs strategy, which was launched by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris on July 2, 2021.
The focus of Operation Tara is “to disrupt, dismantle and prosecute drug trafficking networks, at all levels – international, national, local – involved in the importation, distribution, cultivation, production, local sale and supply of controlled drugs.”