A public consultation process seeking the views of people on the future of parking in the Phoenix Park ends this bank holiday weekend, on June 5.
Members of the public are invited to review a draft strategy that provides a comprehensive vision for parking management in the Phoenix Park.
The Draft Parking Strategy considers both cycle and vehicular parking in the Phoenix Park, as well as potential impacts on the immediate surrounding area.
“It also addresses the needs and parking requirements of those with mobility issues,” the OPW says.
Five percent of parking provision will be suitable for those with disabilities and a further five percent will be designated for the active aged.
In line with Government policy to reduce transport-related carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030, the Strategy centres on “sustainability, active travel, reduced emissions and accessibility for all.
“Overall, the draft Strategy proposes to improve access for those with mobility challenges through maintaining the current car parking availability.”
More than 5,000 submissions were received from the public and key stakeholders in the first phase of consultation.
Opinions, comments and ideas raised through this engagement process are reflected in the Draft Parking Strategy.
Minister of State for the Office of Public Works (OPW), Patrick O’Donovan, TD said: “It’s important that the survey reflects the needs of those who use the Phoenix Park and live around its footprint.
“We extended the closing date for submissions by two weeks in order to accommodate and include the public interest in the strategy, and the new deadline is fast approaching.”
The Draft Parking Strategy can be found here: Phoenix Park Survey