Dublin People

Local talent going in the right direction

Jake Curren in action.

A SESSION guitarist from Santry currently touring the US with former One Direction idol Niall Horan is hoping his success can inspire young musicians in the music industry. 

Jake Curran (24) is already living his dream, playing with top performers while still developing his own creative talent.

A music graduate from the National University of Ireland Maynooth, the Northsider started his career while still in his teens, but his first taste of life as a performer actually came when he was just 13.

“My guitar teacher from the Artane School of Music gave me my first proper gig,” he told Northside People.

“It was playing guitar in a local school musical along with a group of pro musicians, which is a daunting thought now but at that age you don't worry too much about what people think.”

From that first gig, Jake put his head down, studying, perfecting his skills and taking any opportunity that came his way.

His style evolved playing with local blues and rock bands and getting involved with musical theatre productions, where he played acoustic and electric guitar in the pit with the orchestra.

His involvement with musical theatre led him to becoming the MD of critically acclaimed Irish musical ‘Big Shot’, which made its USA debut in the San Diego Fringe Festival.

The roster of performers Jake has graced the stage with is extensive and includes names like Shane Filan, Brian Kennedy, Paul Harrington Rebecca Storm and Johnny Logan.

But his biggest break to date was getting the call to audition and then tour with Niall Horan.

“Being on tour with Niall over the past year has really been something else,” Jake says.

“We've got to play together at Madison Square Garden, Red Rocks and Wembley stadium as well as perform on the Ellen Show, The Jimmy Fallon Show and record a TV special with the RTE Concert Orchestra. It'll be a hard year to top!

“It's been an incredible 15 months with Niall and the whole crew. There's been some life changing experiences and great music has been made but at the same time I'm looking forward to being home and working on other projects.”

Jake is now well on the way to matching and topping the achievements of his late Granduncle, Butch Moore, who was the first performer to represent Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest back in 1965.

“Unfortunately, he passed away when I was young,” Jake tells us.

“I've been listening to his song '’Walking The Streets In The Rain'’ lately. What an incredible voice he had.

“Although his influence on me musically didn't happen until recently, knowing who he was and what he achieved was surely a subconscious inspiration.”

Jake is grateful for his career and is hoping to inspire by example. He’s happy to pass on what he’s learned to others hoping to get a break in the music industry.

“First of all, you've got to be able to play. It's worth looking into your own playing and trying to identify any flaws and working on them,” he advises.

“Simple things like timing, technique and rhythm can go overlooked and they are hard things to correct after a certain amount of time.

“While the playing side is vital, the most important thing is to be able to get along with people. In a world where your career develops through meeting people and then working with them, sometimes on the same day, it's so important to be good natured and chilled out.”

Jake’s tour with Niall Horan is coming to an end soon but he’s already making plans to work when he comes home.

“I'm loving being in position to play a wide variety of music with different artists and I hope that's always the case. However there is definitely a need to make something that's your own so to satisfy that I write my own music and perform it in Dublin with my quartet.”

Jake is planning on releasing his own music soon. He’s been writing an album with Lisa Lambe, who he describes as an “amazing singer” and they’re hoping to record in November.

The Jake Curran Quartet. will be playing in Arthurs, Thomas Street, on October 22.

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