Dublin People

Tesco shoppers can help save Dylan

You can support Dylan at www.savingdylan.com

SEVERAL Northside Tesco stores are supporting a campaign over the next eight weeks to help raise funds for a local toddler suffering from an extremely rare genetic condition.

Dylan Finglas (5) from Tyrrelstown was developing normally up until he was 18-months-old. He was then diagnosed with fatal Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency (MSD) – a condition that causes a progressive loss of mental abilities and has devastating effects on the whole body.

Without something to stop deterioration, most children with MSD don’t live to see their 10th birthday. Currently there is no ready cure, nor is there any approved treatment to slow the condition.

MSD has taken its grip on Dylan who now cannot walk, uses a feeding peg implanted in his abdomen and his eyesight is compromised.

He also has neurological problems and endures joint pain daily.

However, his heart is good, his breathing is good, his hearing is good and he laughs and smiles most days.

Dylan’s best hope is gene therapy but the most promising research, which was carried out in Italy, was stopped due to lack of funding.

Parents Alan and Michelle have being tirelessly exploring every avenue and are fundraising to help find a cure before time runs out.

“Unless Dylan gets life saving treatment it is a 100 percent certainty that Dylan will suffer terribly with MSD, almost all his bodily functions will be attacked resulting in death at a young age,” they said in a statement on the #SavingDylan Facebook page (facebook.com/SavingDylanFinglas).

“There is a cure on paper but it has to be developed to a clinical trial stage. We will be launching a massive campaign soon to ensure the cure is developed.”

Now several Tesco stores have adopted MSD Action Foundation/Saving Dylan as a preferred local cause in the supermarket chain’s latest cycle of the Tesco Community Fund.

From now, locals in Tesco branches at Swords, Blanchardstown, Clearwater, Clarehall, Artaine, Cabra, Cardiffsbridge Express, Drumcondra, Glasnevin Express, Jervis Street, Kilbarrack, Parnell Street, Phibsboro, Prussia Street and Santry can support the cause.

For the next eight weeks, customers can use their blue tokens to vote for MSD Action Foundation/Saving Dylan or any of the other projects chosen for the Tesco Community Fund.

In Dublin alone, the Tesco Community Fund has supported 2,442 local projects to date donating over €1,032,247.

Christine Heffernan, corporate affairs director at Tesco Ireland, said Tesco was delighted to be able to support local initiatives through the Community Fund.

“The Tesco Community Fund is open to a wide variety of good causes or groups so if you think you know a local organisation that could benefit from some extra funding, please nominate them in store,” she said.

“And don’t forget to vote for your preferred cause each time you shop using your blue token, because it really does make a difference.” 

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