Dublin People

Housing dream finally comes true

Helen Cheever, with baby Erik, receives the keys to her new home from Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy as local TD, Dessie Ellis (SF) watches on.

FIVE local families have been given the keys to their new homes in a Poppintree housing development that could become a template for affordable homes around the country.

Minister for Housing, Eoghan Murphy, handed over the keys at a ceremony last week that marked the end of an ambitious project that dates back to 2002.

Back then, a housing co-op scheme was established by locals in Ballymun who wanted to establish a local Irish speaking community.

Members of the co-op paid deposits of

?¬5,000 for homes and planning permission for 40 homes was obtained in 2007. However, the project stalled and was eventually taken over by O’Cualann CoHousing Alliance.

Plans received another setback in 2015 when it was announced that modular homes were to be built on the site, but 
Ã? Cualann CoHousing Alliance worked with Dublin City Council officials to ensure Ireland’s only affordable housing development project went ahead.

The scheme comprises 49 units ranging from two bedroom terrace up to four bedroom detached houses at prices 30 per cent lower than the market value of similar properties in the area.

A two bedroom terrace home costs from

?¬140,000 while a four bed detached property is only


The scheme is specifically aimed at families with an income of

?¬36,000 to

?¬80,000 and Ã? Cualann plans to have all families moved in by September 2018.

Helen Cheever, her partner and their two sons were one of the families who received the keys to their new house from the minister. 

“My partner and I have been looking for a house for years and we’re delighted to finally be moving into our own home early next week, once we have the walls painted and the furniture moved in,

? she said.

“We’re going to be saving a lot of money every month, with our mortgage being

?¬700 cheaper than what we’ve been paying in rent.

“We’re also big into energy saving and with the solar panels and low energy rating of this house, we’ll be saving on electricity and heating each month too.

The families that are moving into the new development have signed a common charter that binds them to collectively defined community values.

This includes a desire to live in a community where people get to know their neighbours before they move in, where they look out for each other, and where they feel safe and secure.

The houses are built to the highest international standards and are highly energy efficient, including the provision of solar panels, which keeps energy bills low.

CEO of Ã? Cualann CoHousing Alliance, Hugh Brennan, spoke of the importance of affordable housing schemes in addressing the current housing crisis at last week’s ceremony.

“The time is right for the Government to bring in policies to support and promote affordable housing schemes,

? he said.

“We now have our first five families moving in to their new homes, which they would not have been able to afford without this scheme.

“The development here in Poppintree shows that these projects work and there is no doubt that the demand it out there for more housing schemes like this.

Minister Murphy welcomed the development and said it showed what could be achieved in terms of affordable housing.

“These are affordable homes in our capital city and this is something I, as Minister for Housing, want to see more of,

? he added.

“Affordability will be a strong theme in my review of the Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan. This development leads the way and shows what can be achieved.

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