Cllr Jimmy Guerin has expressed surprise that so many media outlets have reported that Fingal County Council issued letters to Dublin Airport Authority (daa) saying that their planning application was valid.
Speaking at the Howth Malahide area committee this afternoon, he condemned daa for “behaving like the Trump campaign” by making wild allegations that he believes cannot be substantiated.
“This is typical of the DAA’s approach to issues,” Cllr Guerin (pictured above) said.
“I call upon DAA Chief Kenny Jacobs to produce the letters he claims the DAA has received.
“I have checked with Fingal County Council, and my understanding is that no such letters exist.
“Suggestions that Fingal planners have flip-flopped as reported in the Irish Times and also on the national airways, are serious allegation that I believe to be untrue.
“Most media organisations pride themselves on accurate reporting, and I would now ask that they fact-check and confirm that the details they have published are correct.
“If no such letters exist, I would call upon the DAA chief to apologise to the staff of Fingal County Council for issuing false statements about them.
“I would also ask that the various media organisations that have taken the DAA’s statements as correct without the necessary fact-checking correct the record as soon as possible.”