Dublin People

Dublin doctor on call with Howth RNLI lifesavers this Christmas 

Gabriel Fitzpatrick, a Dublin doctor, who joined Howth RNLI

As the RNLI comes to the end of its milestone 200th year, the charity is launching its annual Christmas fundraising appeal, with a focus on the volunteer crew members who are preparing to spend Christmas on call. 

On average, RNLI lifeboats launch over 100 times during the Christmas period* every year.

Whatever weather winter throws at them, RNLI crews are ready to battle the elements to save lives at sea.

These rescues, and others all year round, are only made possible by the RNLI’s generous supporters, helping to fund the essential kit, training and equipment needed to keep crews prepared and protected. 

Christmas is a time for family and friends, but the RNLI’s volunteer crews are ready to leave their own celebrations this festive season and answer the call for help.

Just some of the thousands of crew members preparing for a Christmas on call is are volunteers at Skerries, Howth and Dun Laoghaire. 

Gabriel Fitzpatrick, a doctor in Dublin, who joined Howth RNLI this year said: “I’ve been a doctor on call over Christmas many times, but this will be my first Christmas on call as a crew member for the RNLI.

“Our crews train regularly and stand ready to answer the pager at any time of the year to save lives at sea.

“Over the past year I successfully passed out as a crew member at Howth RNLI.

“My fellow crew members at Howth launched on Christmas Day seven years ago, leaving their families and the turkey and ham behind.

“I hope everyone will remain safe this Christmas, but rest assured that RNLI crews will answer the pager if and when they sound.

But as volunteer lifeboat crew we couldn’t launch without kind donations from the public which fund the kit, training and equipment we need to save others and get home safely to our own families.”

To make a donation to the RNLI’s Christmas Appeal, and enable the charity to continue its lifesaving work, visit: RNLI.org/WinterAppeal 

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