Dublin People

Anger at ABP decision to green light St. Finian’s Church plans

Councillor Joe Newman

LOCAL Swords (Ind.) Councillor Joe Newman has declared his “utter disappointment” at the recent An Board Pleanála decision to grant permission for the proposed three-storey apartment block at St. Finian’s Church in River Valley, Swords.

The plans include the construction of a 58 unit sheltered housing apartment building with associated uses to the west of the existing church building, comprising 15 one bedroom and 43 two bedroom units.

The development, by Dunne Better Build Limited, will also consist of the construction of a single storey parish centre extension (167 sqm) to the west of the church building.

It will also see construction of a two-bedroom single-storey detached parish priest accommodation (120 sqm) to the south of the existing church building a reception and meeting room, staff WC, storage rooms, refuse storage and service rooms, landscaped courtyard and internal walkways, 38 bicycle spaces, 30 car parking spaces and with vehicular access off River Valley Road.

Councillor Newman reiterated that according to many longstanding church going residents, this land was donated for the benefit of the community and should benefit the local people and local area.

“It absolutely should not have been sold to a developer to build an apartment block that overlooks the local children’s school playground,” he told Northside People.

“We have a deficit of childcare facilities in the area, the local school is bursting at the seams and lack adequate special needs classrooms, this issue should have been given more consideration.

“There are other sites within 1 km that would have been more suited for sheltered accommodation.”

Cllr Newman says he puts the blame for this decision “squarely on the shoulders of Minister for housing, Darragh O’ Brien and the local Fianna Fail representatives. “

He says that angry residents have told him that they believe that this would never have happened in O’Brien’s home area of Malahide.

“There seems to be a real sense of surprise and shock that the local Fianna Fail councillors sat on their hands and allowed the Rivervalley area take the hit on this one.”

Cllr. Newman said that following demands from residents he is now looking at options on whether to seek a judicial review of this “unfair Board Pleanála decision.”

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