Dublin People

Temporary ‘Do Not Swim’ notice issued for Front Strand Balbriggan

Please be advised that a temporary Do Not Swim prohibition notice has been issued for Front Strand Balbriggan for 72 hours.

According to Fingal County Council, the notice is based on preliminary ‘poor’ e.coli results from the scheduled bathing water sample taken on Monday, likely cause impacts from animals/birds and contamination of urban surface waters.

A statement from a spokesperson for the local authority said: “Preliminary e.coli results from Claremont met ‘sufficient’ water quality, as a result a resample will be taken and the situation monitored.

“Resamples have been scheduled at Front Strand Balbriggan and Claremont beach for tomorrow with results due on Friday 29th July when the notice will be reviewed.

“Full sample results from samples taken on yesterday 25th July are due tomorrow 27th July.

“Balbriggan Beach remains open but beach users are asked to respect the ‘Do Not Swim’ notice as it has been put in place to ensure that the health of bathers is not compromised.”

Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at www.beaches.ie or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach.

To view an explanation of the standards used for reporting results of bathing water please go to https://www.fingal.ie/bathing-water-quality-monitoring-faqs

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