Dublin People

Bayside celebrates its 50th anniversary

Bayside DART station

BAYSIDE is 50-years-old this month and preparations are now well underway to mark the occasion.

With the support of Fingal County Council, the newly formed Bayside Community Association is undertaking its first major initiative by organising a fun-for-all party at Bayside Park, popularly known as the Lamb Chop, on Sunday, May 28 (11.30am-4.30pm).

The event will coincide with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Bayside area in 1967.

Residents, friends and relatives – and neighbours in adjoining Baldoyle – are invited to come along and be entertained, listen to music, stroll, chat and have a picnic (you’ll need to bring your own garden chairs). 

There’ll be plenty of fun for children, from bouncy castles to face-painting and juggling.

There will also be Zumba dancing, tennis and basketball, to name but some of the activities planned.

Bayside Community Association is seeking some additional people who have experience of stewarding events to volunteer on the day.

Anyone wishing to bake cakes or donate books for the fundraising stalls will also be welcome.

Bayside has become one of the most popular Northside communities to live in, thanks to its coastal location and range of shops, schools and sporting amenities.

The introduction of the DART service in 1984 provided a great boost for the area, making it so easily accessible to the city centre and nearby Howth and Sutton.

Contact bayside1967@gmail.com, visit the website on www.ourbayside.com or checkout the Facebook page on www.facebook.com/OurBayside/ for further information on the anniversary celebrations.


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