Dublin People

Humphreys urges workers not to miss out on appointment entitlements

The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, has encouraged workers to avail of her Department’s Treatment Benefit, a scheme which supports workers access dental, eyesight and hearing treatments. 

Under the Treatment Benefit Scheme, a person may qualify for:

minister Humphreys said “I strongly encourage all workers to look at their entitlements under the Treatment Benefit scheme where they can avail of free dental examinations, eyesight checks and hearing tests.”

“I especially encourage those under 25 to look at their entitlements under the scheme. In 2022, I changed the insurance contributions required  for younger workers to made it easier for them to qualify. That change recognised that a substantial number of younger people are now entering the workforce later and are less likely to have built up the required number of social insurance contributions required to avail of the Treatment Benefit scheme.”

“This scheme is about giving something back to people who work hard and contribute to the system via their PRSI contributions. I want to make sure people know about it and avail of it,” she said.

“I am delighted to support this scheme which benefits millions of workers and I would urge all who have an entitlement to make sure they get the full benefit from their PRSI contributions.”

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