Dublin People

Dublin gardener’s battle with back pain pays off

KEN Richardson (62), from Leeson Park in Dublin 6, had always been very active and loved spending time in his garden.

That was until he was told that the curve in his back, which he had always thought was just a normal part of his body, was actually a severe spinal twist that could be causing serious internal problems.

Ken was suffering from excruciating back pain which often left him completely incapacitated. This was when he discovered a unique exercise programme that offered him a new lease of life.

Scoliosis causes the spine to excessively curve sideways. The condition affects a vast percentage of the population and if left untreated can lead to fatal heart and lung problems.

Current treatment in this country is to wait until the curve becomes so severe that the only option left is to operate. The major operation is an incredibly risky procedure which involves metal rods being inserted either side of the spine, before the spine is fused solid.

After the initial diagnosis, Ken and his family were left in pieces. Ken was told that he should stop doing anything too strenuous and that he should be very careful about placing pressure on his spine. He was suffering from constant pain caused by his scoliosis and frequent severe episodes of sciatica.

Ken was given very little information on the treatment options but nothing appealed and the idea of having an operation terrified him. Ken was very worried about the future and how his back was going to impact his life. Following the diagnosis he had started to notice that the curve was getting worse and that his flexibility was now seriously impaired.

“Scoliosis really affected me psychologically as well as physically,

? he recalled.

“I felt really low and very let down by various health professionals. I was offered physiotherapy but there was no mobilisation and no attempt to correct the scoliosis.

Disgusted with the lack of options, Ken decided to start looking into alternative treatments and it was around this time that he discovered Scoliosis SOS.

Founded and run by Erika Maude, who has a curve in her spine herself, the clinic opened nine years ago and has since brought relief to hundreds of sufferers.

Located in central London, it is the only clinic in the world to offer treatment following the ScolioGold method, which is the combination of internationally renowned non-surgical treatments that have been practiced separately in Europe for several decades.

After finding the clinic Ken decided that this treatment had to be the answer they were looking for. Within weeks of enrolling on a treatment course, Ken could feel the difference. His pain had started to decrease and he had made some friends who were in the same position as him.

They understood how frustrating seeing specialist after specialist was and they understood how frightening the condition could be.

“I found learning what was going on in my back really helpful,

? he added.

“Knowing what each exercise was doing was really motivating.

Ken’s worry was that his curve would increase in size and that he would have to give up gardening and his independence altogether. He was not too bothered about the appearance of his back but he was amazed when he started to see a dramatic improvement.

Within weeks of completing the treatment Ken knew that he had his condition under control. He has been able to walk and get on with everyday tasks without getting out of breath for the first time in years.

“The only advice I would give anyone looking to have treatment would be to go for it,

? he declared.

“You need motivation and you have to want to improve your life, but if you want to see huge improvements and get your mobility back, SOS clinic would definitely be the place to go.

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