Dublin People

Inter-agency group is established in response to job losses

An inter-agency group has been established in response to the job losses at Cadbury. FILE PHOTO: DARREN KINSELLA

AN inter-agency group has been established to coordinate the Government’s response to the job losses at Cadbury.

The group will be led by Enterprise Ireland, and will both seek to secure alternative employment for the areas affected, including Coolock, and also ensure that departing workers have access to supports they need from State agencies for retraining, access to social welfare supports and access to advice on employment rights.

The company announced that 160 jobs will be lost between the Coolock factory and another plant at Rathmore, County Kerry.

Last week Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, in an effort to coordinate constructive cross-party action to support workers affected, invited TDs and senators from the areas affected to a briefing on the situation at his department.

Minister Bruton confirmed to the Oireachtas members at the


? meeting that the primary reason for the company’s decision is a cost base that was significantly out of line with competitor countries.

Dublin Bay North TD Finian McGrath (Ind) also raised the issue with Minister Bruton in the Dail.

Deputy McGrath described the job losses as a

“significant blow

? to people on the northside.

“The northside needs jobs, investment and the Government’s support,

? he told the Minister.

Minister Bruton said the announcement at Cadbury was

“a reminder to us that every day is a battle


“We are trading in a competitive global environment and costs in plants in a global group such as this are compared,

? he stated.

“That, unfortunately, is the world in which we live and if we want to sustain higher pay, we have to have better production process, increased efficiency and so on.

Minister Bruton pointed out that more than 35,000 extra people are at work in Dublin today compared to three years ago.

“Almost half of these extra jobs are supported by the Department of Jobs through Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland,

? he added.

Micheal MacDonncha, a Sinn Fein councillor for the Beaumont-Donaghmede Local Electoral Area (LEA) called on Minister Bruton to intervene to save the jobs.

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