Dublin People

Absence of education welfare officers criticised

Absence of education welfare officers criticised

A NORTHSIDE TD has criticised the absence of education welfare officers (EWO) for the Dublin 3, 5 and 17 areas.

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, James Reilly, has informed Deputy Tommy Broughan that positions cannot be filled due to a moratorium on public service recruitment.

In March, Deputy Broughan received figures from the former Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, which revealed that there were no EWOs in Dublin 3, 5, 13 or 17.

However, Deputy Broughan was advised that an EWO was due to take up a post in Dublin 13 in April, which has transpired.

“This huge gap in services in unacceptable in light of the important functions carried out by EWOs in respect of monitoring children’s school attendance,

? Deputy Broughan told Northside People.

“I remain concerned about the absence of assigned EWOs in large parts of North Dublin.

“In my own constituency of Dublin Bay North, there is only one EWO for an area with 50,000 households.

“This is completely unacceptable and could result in some children falling through the gaps because of the prioritisation of the more difficult and complex cases.

Deputy Broughan said the functions carried out by EWOs were vital to ensure that children continue to attend school and cases of non-attendance were dealt with promptly with appropriate services provided to families in need.

“I will continue to pursue this matter with the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs,

? he added.

“I will be urging him to seek sanction to lift the public service recruitment moratorium to ensure that these important vacancies are filled.

The Educational Welfare Service was formerly operated by the National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB).

The NEWB is now part of the Child and Family Agency (Tusla) and all staff of the NEWB, including EWOs, transferred to Tusla on January 1 2014.

Minister Reilly said he has been advised that the EWO positions in respect of the service for Dublin 3, 5 and 17 have not been filled

“on account of the moratorium on public service recruitment


“I have also been advised that arrangements are in place so that schools in these areas continue to have access to support from the Education Welfare Service and that currently this support is being provided, to the extent possible, by the Senior EWO for the area,

? he stated.

“The Child and Family Agency has advised me that it has become necessary to prioritise those cases where students are out of school, expelled or have special education needs in complex situations.

“I understand from the Agency, that the EWO covering the Dublin 13 area returned to post in April 2014.

“The Agency has advised me that a reorganisation of Educational Welfare Services within available resources in the greater Dublin area is being undertaken at present with a view to providing an improved service in a number of areas, including Dublin 3, 5 and 17.

Minister Reilly added:

“Vacancies that arise in staffing in the front line services for children and young people at risk of early school leaving are kept under review and will be prioritised by the Agency, in consultation with my Department, in so far as possible working within Government policy on public service numbers and the moratorium on recruitment.

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