Dublin People

St Mary’s Healing Garden at Bloom

The St Mary's Healing Garden will be part of Bloom this bank holiday weekend.

ST MARY’S Hospital will be hosting a Healing Garden at Bloom 2014 in Phoenix Park over the June Bank Holiday.

The hospital, also based in Phoenix Park, says the garden is designed to highlight the benefits of using horticulture as a therapeutic medium.

“The provision of purposeful occupation within the gardens is one of the prime objectives for the resident’s well-being, and the numerous tasks involved in gardening make it a wonderful activity that is adaptable to individual needs,

? a spokesperson said.

The Healing Garden was selected by the judges to participate in the Bloom Postcard Section, which reflects the ideals and focus of community gardening in Ireland.

The garden was designed in consultation with the residents and volunteers of The Green Bubble horticultural project in St Mary’s.

The circular design of The Healing Garden was created to represent the similarity between plant and human life cycles, from propagation, through the growing cycle to reach the height of their potential reflecting the wonder of the creation.

The layered levels give consideration to garden design and access to those with specific needs. The layout of the stand reflects the various growing stages.

The Healing Garden Project is an occupational therapy initiative delivered by St Mary’s to harness the health-giving properties of a communal garden for patients and residents on the campus.

The hospital caters mainly for the elderly, many of whom have chosen it as their final residence, where they can be assured of getting the care and supports they require.

The Garden, and its associated off-shoots – a garden club, a magazine and sales of any produce – provide engagement in a meaningful activity and give opportunities to residents to maintain or develop roles that are meaningful to them.

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