Dublin People

Bill to regulate sale of nitrous oxide introduced to Dáil

Sinn Féin TD for Dublin Mid-West, Mark Ward TD, has today introduced legislation to regulate the sale of nitrous oxide, alongside his party colleague, Deputy Seán Crowe.

The Bill was brought about by the Deputies following the increased evidence of use in communities across Ireland and the increased incidences of harm due to misuse of nitrous oxide.

Speaking on the floor of the Dáil, Deputy Ward said:

“I am introducing the Sale of Nitrous Oxide and Related Products Bill 2024 today with my colleague Seán Crowe.

“You only have to walk through any park or housing estate in Dublin and beyond and you will see discarded nitrous cannisters.

“When I first noticed them in my area, they were small singular one-use cannister, known locally as ‘silver bullets’.

“Over time this has changed to large industrial sized canisters, known as fast gas. These large canisters are sold on the street.

“Unscrupulous dealers are making vast profits from the sale of nitrous oxide.

“Manufacturers are also making vast profits and this fast gas is marketed towards children.

“A recent report published by the HSE by their Adolescent Addiction Service has shown that 22% of young people attending their adolescent service admitted to taking Nitrous Oxide

“This is an increase of 175% in a year and only captures young people that have come to the attention of addiction services.

“The widespread use of nitrous oxide is resulting in antisocial behaviour, litter, and damage to people’s health.

“Young people are playing Russian roulette when they use this gas.

“Inhaling Nitrous Oxide cuts off oxygen to the brain resulting in lightheaded and giddy affects.

“This is where the name laughing gas comes from but let me tell you laughing gas is no laughing matter.

“A neurology specialist at the Mater Hospital warned of an increase in the number of patients suffering severe nerve damage after inhaling nitrous oxide gas.

“They reported that the gas causes a range of sensory issues including a numbness in their hands, feet and extremities, serious issues with balance, problems with their heart rate, and mental health issues.

“Earlier this year we have reports of an increase in young people presenting for help after getting frostbite from using Nitrous Oxide

“Scarring is a really significant thing. Some of the patients presented with burns around the lips and fingertips and can take some months to resolve.

“There is also an environmental impact after several incinerators around Europe suffered major damage when canisters exploded in their furnaces.

“I have introduced this legislation today that will regulate the sale of Nitrous Oxide to commercial use only.

“This is like legislation introduced in Holland where authorities are regulating the use of nitrous oxide outside the medical and catering industries.

“This Bill will not criminalise young people for simple possession of nitrous oxide, however it would give the Gardaí the power to seize the cannisters.

“This Bill will enable members of an Garda Síochána to seize nitrous oxide products from those without appropriate licences.”

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