Dublin People

Empty homes a critical issue for voters in Dublin

A derelict building in Dublin city centre

Dublin resident and Uplift member James O’Brien is demanding to know why there are 31,658 houses lying empty across Dublin county, when there are 9,097 people in need of homes in Dublin alone.

“No matter who we are or where we come from,” O’Brien said.

“We all need a secure home, where we can put our children to bed, knowing that they will wake up and feel safe.

“I’ve been in homeless services for 21 months.

“I work full time and still can’t afford a roof over my head.

“Far too many of us are living on edge, not knowing where we’ll live month to month, year to year.

“All the while thousands of homes lie empty in every area of Dublin, we have so much space for everyone – why isn’t it being used?

“I have a 7 year old daughter, and I’m unable to offer her a home.”

GeoDirectory, established by An Post and Tailte Éireann, identified 86,708 vacant dwellings in June 2022.

There were 163,433 vacant properties on Census night that same year. Nearly 30,000 of these have been empty since 2011.

Research carried out by campaigning organisation Uplift has uncovered the failure of government policies and schemes to solve the problem of empty houses.

A key finding is that councils are failing to accurately count the number of empty houses, along with huge barriers being faced by people trying to access refurbishment grants.

Uplift campaigner Leigh Brosnan called on elected representatives to act now.

“Politicians and councils need to commit to using their powers and the resources already there to buy and lease empty houses as public homes,” she said.

“Make it easier for families to get the grants sitting there unused; turn empty main streets into vibrant communities; accurately count the number of vacant and derelict buildings.

“In Dublin alone thousands of people need a secure and safe home. home.

“Survivors of domestic abuse who are not able to leave dangerous situations; young Disabled People trapped in nursing homes, overcrowded families, young people who can’t continue with their studies or move job, is a daily reality and is tearing our communities apart needlessly.

“There is more than enough space for everyone, and we need politicians standing in the local elections to know that turning empty houses into homes for people who need them, no exceptions, is the priority for voters in Dublin.”

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