Dublin People

Kearney selected as Labour candidate in Killiney-Shankill

Local Labour representative James Kearney has been selected alongside Councillor Carrie Smyth to contest the local elections in the Killiney-Shankill ward.

Kearney, a native of Ballybrack, came to politics through environmental and equality campaigning.

As a new and first-time candidate, Kearney said “I am honoured to represent my local area and wish to continue the Labour tradition in the area, a tradition which Councillor Denis O’Callaghan and others have kept strong and vibrant for many years.”

“Having grown up in Ballybrack, I know well the problems in our area; from the lack of adequate housing for younger people like myself, to the gaps in our local childcare and eldercare systems, and more recently issues surrounding intimidation and fear of new members to our community.”

“As an activist and campaigner, I have been fighting for better access to social and affordable housing, challenging high rental costs, cleaning up our local parks and rivers, and ensuring greater equality and equity for those who are marginalised within society. I believe in building a better community for all and I want to be part of making that community,” he said.

“I am excited to continue and contribute to the work of the Labour team on Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and be a strong voice for progressive, positive change.”

At present, Labour has 6 members on Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, with Kearney hoping to secure a 3rd Labour seat in the Killiney-Shankill ward.

Casting an eye on the future, Kearney said “as we continue forward into the next election year, at both a local and European level, we must put support behind candidates who are willing to fight against the continuing crises in housing, health, and climate. We must support candidates who will ensure that our local services are well-funded and well-provided so that we can ensure a community which works for all.”

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