Dublin People

Latest report reveals almost 12,000 people are homeless – the highest number ever recorded

Minister Darragh O’Brien has today published the Monthly Homeless Report for March 2023 and the Homeless Quarterly Progress Report for Quarter 1 2023.

The Monthly Homeless Report for March 2023 shows that 11,988 individuals were accessing emergency accommodation, an increase of 246 (2.1%) on the February 2023 total, and the highest number ever recorded.

This increase took place despite the Winter Eviction Moratorium, which is ending on a phased basis to June 18.

There were 5,823 single adults and 1,639 families accessing emergency accommodation in the month, including 3,472 children (under-18).

The report shows that during Q1 2023, a total of 1,454 adults, and their dependents, exited, or were prevented from entering emergency accommodation by way of a tenancy being created. This represents an increase of 15% on Quarter 1 2022.

The Quarterly Progress report also shows the number of new families presenting to homeless services and the numbers entering and exiting emergency accommodation on a national basis.

Nationally, family presentations were down 8.2% on the corresponding period in 2022 (from 729 to 669). Of the 669 families presenting, 45.7% of these families were prevented from having to enter emergency accommodation by way of a tenancy having been created. 215 families exited emergency accommodation into a tenancy in the quarter, a 4.9% increase on the 205 families who exited homelessness in the same quarter in 2022.

The Quarterly Report also shows that almost half of single households accessing emergency accommodation on the last night of the quarter have been in emergency accommodation for less than 6 months (2,685 of 5,663 single households).

The report also shows progress in implementing the Housing First National Implementation Plan 2022-2026, a key response to ending long-term homelessness among those with complex health and mental health needs. The Housing First Programme provides the most vulnerable of our homeless population with a home for life as well as with key wraparound health and social supports.

A total of 60 new supported tenancies commenced in Q1 2023. Through the programme, there are 871 high-support need individuals, who were formerly rough sleepers or long-term users of emergency accommodation, housed and supported in their own homes.

Commenting on the reports published today, the Minister Darragh O’Brien, said:

“Unfortunately we have seen an increase in the numbers of people in emergency accommodation despite the Winter Eviction Moratorium still being in effect in March. The situation is very challenging but the Government, local authorities and those in our NGO sectors are working together and making every effort to reduce homelessness. Tackling this issue is a Government priority.

“We know that increasing the supply of new homes, particularly social and affordable homes, is key to tackling homelessness. Supply is increasing and we are going in the right direction, as seen from record Completion and Commencement Notices figures for the first quarter of 2023.

“On Tuesday, I announced extra measures to get even more homes built and quicker, including scrapping development levies to stimulate more building activity and a scheme to kick-start the delivery of thousands more Cost Rental homes.

“These measures will further boost supply. Last year we delivered record social housing levels since 1975. All of this will help provide more housing solutions, including for those who are at risk of homelessness.

“Resources and funding for tackling homelessness are not an obstacle to the urgent work required to combat homelessness. Budget 2023 provided funding of over €215 million, an increase of 10% on last year, for the delivery of homeless services. This is ensuring that local authorities can not only provide emergency accommodation but also and crucially homeless prevention measures. It will also ensure they can support households to successfully exit homelessness into secure tenancies.

“In addition to our focus on increasing supply, I have introduced a number of measures to help those at risk of homelessness following the phasing out of the Winter Eviction Moratorium. These include introducing 1,000 additional targeted leasing units, securing at least 1,500 tenant in situ purchases in 2023 and expanding emergency accommodation by adding 2,000 new beds.”

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