Labour leader Ivana Bacik says she has called for an independent inquiry to be conducted into matters in GSOC, following the revelations about a senior GSOC investigator and links with Gerard Hutch.
“Revelations that a GSOC investigator attended a party with Gerard Hutch the day that he was acquitted by the Special Criminal Court are very serious indeed,” Deputy Bacik said.
“While we note that a Garda investigation into the matter is underway, I fail to understand why Government will not accede to the establishment of an inquiry that is independent both of GSOC and of the Gardai.
“Such a process should be modelled on the Sean Guerin inquiry into particular garda files.
“Running in parallel to the investigation already underway, an independent inquiry led by a Senior Counsel or retired Judge would provide the public with assurances that might help to ensure public trust is maintained in our policing structures.
“Is Government afraid of what an independent investigation may uncover? Is it fearful that what emerged at the weekend is not an isolated incident, but may point to a broader, entrenched issue with Garda links to organised crime?
“The events of the Regency Hotel murder cast a long shadow in Irish society, particularly for the communities that have been so badly impacted by organised crime.
“The investigation must be fully independent.”