Dublin People

Dublin Angling clubs encouraged to apply for 2022 funding from Inland Fisheries

Inland Fisheries Ireland is encouraging angling clubs in Dublin to apply for funding under its 2022 Sponsorship Programme.

Angling clubs, groups and associations in Dublin and all over Ireland are being invited to apply for sponsorship funding before the January 21st deadline and in 2022, the €30,000 fund will have a particular focus on initiatives aimed at beginners and young anglers, as well as events that promote sustainable angling tourism.

Over 327,000 adults in Ireland consider themselves an angler (Ipsos/MRBI*), while 18% of adults in Ireland that had never been fishing before said that they are “likely” to try angling in the future (Amárach Research**).

Therefore, the sponsorship programme is one of the “main funding mechanisms used by Inland Fisheries Ireland to promote angling in Ireland,” it says.

It awarded funding to 41 angling events and initiatives across the country in 2021; however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the programme didn’t go ahead in 2020.

Of the 41 events that received funding, the state agency supported 10 national or international competitions and festivals that showcased Ireland’s angling resources and contribution to local economies in 2021.

Meanwhile, a total of 28 coaching and juvenile outreach events were supported in 2021, to help increase participation in the sport, along with three public awareness events and angling-related initiatives.

Suzanne Campion, Head of Business Development at Inland Fisheries Ireland, said: “In 2022, our top priority is supporting projects and events that encourage more young people and beginners to try angling sustainably, as well as initiatives that help grow sustainable angling tourism throughout Ireland.

“As more people in Dublin enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits of being outdoors, mainly driven by Covid-19 guidelines, we are seeing greater levels of interest in angling nationally.

“For example, nearly one in five Irish adults are “likely” to try angling in the future, according to Amárach Research. In addition to supporting those who would like to go fishing for the first time, we also have a unique opportunity through the Sponsorship Programme to highlight the importance of biodiversity, conservation and sustainable angling.”

Applications for funding from the Sponsorship Programme are now invited from angling clubs, associations or any local group organising an angling initiative in Dublin during 2022. The programme will remain open for funding applications until Friday, January 21st 2022.

Meanwhile, applications for equipment, staff support and biosecurity assistance can be made to Inland Fisheries Ireland throughout the year.

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