Dublin People

City councillors ask ABP to reject 413 apartment complex in Donaghmede

Dublin City Councillors are calling on An Bord Pleanala to reject a planning application that proposes the development of 413 apartments at the Hole in the Wall Road in Donaghmede.

Submitted by Belwall Limited, the development would consist of three apartment blocks reaching seven storeys in height on the former Columbans land.

However, at a recent meeting with Dublin City Council planners, local representatives said they opposing the development saying the application will be a “squeeze” and is not appropriate for the area.

Sinn Fein councillor Mícheál Mac Donncha said that the site is “suitable” for “badly needed housing but this proposal is gross-overdevelopment for maximum profit by developers and with no in-built affordability for potential buyers or renters.

“The heights contravene the Dublin City Development Plan,” he said.

The development was filed as a Strategic Housing Development, which means it can bypass and be lodged directly to An Bord Pleanala.

The planning authority says it does take into account local area plans when making its decision on planning applications but is not bound by them – a practice that is often criticised by county councillors.

“Under the disgraceful housing and planning policies of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, the Minister over-rules the Development Plan height regulations and this planning application under the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) legislation goes straight to ABP and by-passes Council planners.

“A previous almost identical application was rejected,” said Mac Donncha.

A report from the meeting published by Dublin City Council said: “Members recommended that the application be rejected for the following reasons.

“The applicants have not fully addressed the issues raised with regard to refused application for the site and there is insufficient change with this second application to warrant a grant of permission.

“The proposed height contravenes the Dublin City Development Plan.

“Serious concerns were expressed about traffic congestion in the area which must be addressed if further development is to proceed,” it said.

The report also said that there “were concerns about the lack of community facilities and services in an already densely developed area.

“Members were critical about the small number of two and three bed units provided.

“There were also concerns about the removal of many of the mature trees from the site.”
An Bord Pleanala is due to announce its decision on the proposal on Monday, November 15.

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