An aspiring Irish astronaut is currently one of six international crew-members on a simulated space mission aimed at recreating conditions on board a flight to the moon.
Dundrum native Cillian Murphy is an ‘analog’ astronaut for the mission. Analog astronauts are used for technical tests and simulations to enhance space exploration.
Mr. Murphy’s interest in space was copper-fastened in 2018 when he received a special traineeship award from the Irish Research Council to work with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Now, he is participating in the HECATE – (Human Exploration in a Closed Analog Terrestrial Environment) mission at the LunAres Research Station in Poland.
Located on the grounds of a post-military airport, LunAres is a specialised facility that simulates all the conditions of space travel and a space research station, minus the zero gravity.
During the two-week HECATE mission, the crew of analog astronauts will study the impact of isolation on astronauts, plant cultivation in space, and test technology to improve spacewalking.
Mr. Murphy, who has a Master’s degree in Space and Science Technology from University College Dublin, is the Medical Officer for the mission, which makes him responsible for all physical and psychological experiments.
Astronaut Ambitions
In addition to his work on the HECATE mission, the Dublin man has recently applied to the open call for new astronauts by the ESA. For the first time in 11 years, the ESA is looking for new astronauts as Europe plans to increase its space exploration activities.
Commenting today, Mr. Murphy said: “The ESA traineeship I received in 2018 provided me with a life-changing opportunity to pursue my goal of becoming an astronaut. The experience of working with the ESA confirmed for me that I want to dedicate my career to astronomical research and space exploration. I am delighted to be participating in the HECATE mission to gain a simulated insight into what space travel is actually like. Following this, I aim to become one of the first Irish people ever to travel in space.”
Also commenting today, the Director of the Irish Research Council, Peter Brown, said: “Curiosity about space has inspired us for hundreds of years, and the Irish Research Council is proud to have supported many excellent space researchers. The HECATE mission will provide rich data for researchers and inform future ESA space missions and partnerships. It is very encouraging to see Irish participants, such as Cillian, involved in European space activities and it is just one example of the kind of opportunities that open up with Ireland’s membership of ESA.”
Public Outreach Event
Tomorrow, Thursday, 20th May, at 5.30pm, Mr. Murphy will hold an online questions-and-answers session with other members of the HECATE crew for the public to learn more about the mission.
“I look forward to holding our Q&A session live from the LunAres Research Station,” he said. “I hope the session will give the public a stronger understanding of space travel and, potentially, inspire people to pursue a career in space research.”
To join the live Q&A event on Thursday, please visit: