People Before Profit have called on the government to set up a fund to pay the redundancy entitlement of retail workers laid off during the Covid 19 crisis.
Dublin South-Central TD Bríd Smith was commenting after the announcment that 490 retail workers employed by Arcadia Group’s Irish outlets, which includes Topshop, Evans and Miss Selfridge, are to be made permanently redundant.
Liquidators from Deloitte Ireland told Mandate trade union officials yesterday of the permanent job losses.
“It is shocking that 490 Aracadia workers have been permanently laid off today and will only be paid statutory redundancy,” Deputy Smith said.
“I expect more workers to face a similar fate in the next few weeks.
“Like the Debenhams workers these workers have a collective agreement providing for enhanced redundancy payments of four weeks per year of service, inclusive of statutory redundancy. Like the Debenhams workers they should be paid their 2 plus 2.
“In these extraordinary times the government has taken extraordinary measure to support businesses, some of whom remain profitable. I am now calling for a fund to established to pay these workers what they are due.
“I note that in early January, Fianna Fáil finance spokesperson Willie O’Dea said that the prospect of setting up a supplementary welfare fund specifically to cover redundancy shortfalls should now be explored by government. Its time now to set up this fund.
“The Debenhams workers were recently offered €3m training fund. In the context of the crises facing retail workers this an insult.
“The workers should be paid their 2 plus 2 and the €3m should be used as a down payment on their entitlements.”