Dublin People

€95,000 of tablets seized in garda raid

Gardaí have seized over €95,000 of controlled drugs following searches in Dublin 5 and Dublin 13 yesterday afternoon, Monday 8th April 2024.
Gardaí attached to the J District Crime Unit conducted the stop and search of a vehicle in the Dublin 5 area.  During the course of this search an amount of heroin and Zopiclone tablets were recovered.
A further search of a residential premises in the Dublin 13 area was carried out with assistance from the J District Drugs Unit.  Approximately €95,000 of Zopiclone and Alprazolam tablets were recovered during this search.
The drugs seized have been sent to Forensic Science Ireland for further analysis.
A woman aged in her late 40s was arrested and detained at a Garda Station in North Dublin under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984.  She has been charged and will appear this morning at the CCJ Dublin, Tuesday 9th April 2024.
Investigations are ongoing.
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