Dublin People

Public asked to weigh in on proposed playground for Dundrum

Dún Laoghaire – Rathdown County Council is seeking public consultation for a new playground in the Finsbury Park area of Dundrum.

Dún Laoghaire – Rathdown County Council  are planning to create a new, inclusive, local park play space, where children of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can play.

This catchment has been prioritised for these facilities, as it has been identified as outside the 1km radius of an existing playground, with a population density of 5,000 residents, under the age of 18, per kilometre squared.

This consultation aims to engage with the community, to gather ideas and local insight, to form the basis of the new playground design.  Local communities are being invited to complete this online survey and share their ideas.

The Council said that the feedback will help create a brief and specification for the playground to be tendered out to design and build, during 2024, and the aim of the program aims to determine the main users of the playground, ascertain support for the playground, and gather ideas from the community for the playground design.

Community engagement activities being undertaken as part of this process include engagement with local Councillors, dedicated consultation sessions and workshops for community members, local groups, and schools to share their ideas and feedback, a Public Consultation Survey, posters promoting the consultations, and a social media campaign.

An in-person consultation event is planned for Wednesday, 17th of January 2024, from 6:30-7:45 pm at Dundrum Library, with RSVP’s if you plan to attend to finsburyparkplayground@mco.ie.

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